3 Most Considerable Reasons Why Your Website Load Slowly

In most cases, it is true that slow and steady win the race; however, race winners are always backed up with the fastest yet smooth loading website when it comes to the digital world. No one wants a slow-loading website that not only ruins the visitor experience but ultimately dropdown the traffic. Therefore, many website owners try to overcome slow loading site issues by opting for cheap dedicated servers, cache plugins, and much more.

But have you wondered why your website loads slow? There are plenty of reasons behind a slow-loading website. However, there is a common myth that website slows down due to the web host. Although it is one of the reasons behind slow loading speed, the majority of the time, they are not behind the slow loading sites.

So why your website loads slow? Here, today’s blog shares the considerable reasons that will help you in knowing why your website loads slowly. So, let’s get started.

Top Reasons Why Your Website Load Slowly

In the modern digital world, users never take time to click on the cancel button and shift to your competitor’s site if your site takes more than 2-3 seconds. This is because people started losing out on the patience of waiting for a site to load. As many websites are now optimized, therefore, it becomes necessary to deliver the experience expected by your visitors.

But it is not as easy as it seems. Most site owners still struggle to optimize their websites. This is because the majority of issues are involved before your site starts getting slow. So, what to do? One of the most effective ways to find out the reasons and check it out step by step is to completely optimize your site. So, what are the reasons? Let’s now below.

1.   No Image Optimization

It’s true that you always need to provide a better visual experience to your users through catchy yet high-resolution images. But most of the time, these high-resolution images you place on your site becomes the reason why your website load slowly. With time, as the image gets increased or the content that you upload daily starts consuming space, it becomes necessary to opt for image optimization. But how to do image optimization? The top steps that you can follow for image optimization are as follows.

  • Take corrective actions by using a website test that easily scans image size.
  • Use JPEG instead of PNG for larger image files.
  • Ensure to download image optimization tools to optimize large images

2.   JavaScript Issue

JavaScript and JQuery plugin is one of the convenient options that almost everyone uses to add dynamic quality content to websites. While it offers a smooth, comfortable way to add content to your site, but often cripples your website page load speed. But how? The JavaScript isn’t harmful, but a slight mistake or lack of focus creates website slow page speed issues. JavaScript takes time in executing, loading, and interpretation. Therefore, if you are using multiple APIs, then it can cause a significant delay in loading time. So, what to do? Here you can go for the following steps to eliminate the issues of your slow website loading speed.

  • Audit your JavaScript to know what you need to eliminate
  • Use a single script for all your tools, such as Google Tag Manager

3.   Web Host Selection

Web hosting is one of the major issues that enables your website to slow down. But how? If you are using a highly reputable hosting provider package, then you must need to check the bandwidth and other features that might exceed. The basic reason can be the exceeding features which indicate that you need to shift for a better package of the same host.

However, if it’s not the issue, then you might need to shift from shared hosting to the cloud or private hosting that gives you better speed and security. Most of the time, shared hosting becomes the bone of contention, as many others are using the same space to host the site. Therefore, by separating your site, you can easily get the right amount of bandwidth and data needed to run your site smoothly.